A paradigm of love at first sight you appeared to be
A paradise on earth at last indeed are we

Deeper and stronger we grew
Emotionally you tighten the screw

In the deepest part  of my heart you  sparkled
In a flame when I was
countering you 
from bed

I was auspicious
I thought I will earn a prize from you
 at the swaged

 through the tunnel  eyes unseen instead
 I paid a prize to you as you swagged 

Cos your love was spurious
Loss or profit our love was bound to face Aquarius

My heart in naive you clutched
My mind in its higher IQ cleared 

I love you with soul in my might
yet you played me otherwise as your right

In all, I succumbed as forfeiture
Hoping it's worth in future

Boarded a life in the street
So as to keep your ecstasy complete

Yet you heed not to my heart as courtesy
You wrote to me a lamentation of a prophecy 

I didn't get this right as an attention
Then you sang me a heartbroken song as a redemption 

You sold to me acrimonious eye

Serpent in Eve
With a pathetic purse

You're nothing but unscrupulous
Darkness heard my frighten cry in the woods from the wolfs as treacherous 

My heart is tattered  no longer mattered like a kite out of my hand

Time to mend  broken bridges
Farewell my inamorata as fate Judges 

Walk your Duplicitous life
Take your piggery ring in the nose with your higgledy_piggledy  away as my wife

Pokery elsewhere let see if it's become light
Even though you suddenly shove off at night
Know this, I will still be alright



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