Definition of Limerick

Limerick is a comic verse, containing five anapestic (unstressed/unstressed/stressed) lines, in which the first, seconhd, and fifth lines are longer, rhyme together, and follow three metrical feet. The third and fourth lines rhyme together, are shorter, and follow two metrical feet. 

However, sometimes it may vary, and amphibrachic (unstressed/stressed/unstressed) form can replace anapestic. In fact, it is a bawdy, humorous, or nonsensical verse written in the form of five anapests, with an aabba rhyme scheme. Since it has a special structure and format, it is called fixed or closed form of poetry.

A limerick is a short, humorous poem that follows a determined rhyme scheme of AABBA.

Aside from the fact that it follows a rhyme scheme of AABBA. It also follows a SYLLABLE COUNT.

Some poets are not even aware that when writing, syllable counts matters. It does.

*Syllable pattern for each line*

Line 1: 7-10 syllables

Line 2: 7-10 syllables

Line 3: 5-7 syllables

Line 4: 5-7 syllables

Line 5: 7-10 syllables

Examples of Limericks:

A Wonderful Bird Is The Pelican

A wonderful bird is the pelican,

His bill will hold more than his belican,

He can take in his beak

Enough food for a week

But I'm damned if I see how the helican!

Function of Limerick

Poets use limericks as literary or poetic forms to convey and create funny and humorous images. The purpose of using this form is to replace everyday expression with unusual alternative to express emotion and a particular mood by adding eccentricity and weirdness. We can find its usage in literature to describe humor or light subject matter, as the first four lines create a joke, and it ends on a punch line. It also is used frequently in nursery rhymes to make kids love reading.


  1. A four stanzas limerick poem.

    Fearless indeed

    I am a fearless brigade
    My only fear is grenade
    The sound of a gun
    Also makes me run
    I think I need an upgrade

    My strength is in the battle field
    I fight without using a shield
    This is just a dream
    And a self esteem
    I so much detest being afield

    Countless bullet I can withstand
    I can catch it with my left hand
    This is just a trick
    I’m a lazy stick
    I’m obeying no one’s command

    I am a fearless brigade
    I won’t stay at the blockade
    I still love my son
    I am not yet done
    When they arrive, I will evade


  2. A great nation dreams in tutelage
    Crowdy citizen swims in sabotage
    Govern by a mace thought to be weak
    Crying citizen cries every week
    An abiku nation thrown into Garbage

    A fight all days for simple democracy
    Unsatisfied we see with abridged gerontocrazy
    What If we depart the land of anarchy
    Alas! The green color will fade with no hierarchy
    Revolution at the end of 'cracy'

    Blindly draft a Constitution
    Wickedly coined from old association
    We wish we could run just like a cheetah
    But where shall we go apart from the cheater
    An epic experience of law construction

    Oh! I see the sea of wrong
    A line of leader so long
    A fight for mace
    A mace for all race
    What shall we say to their falsehood tongue?

    © Adedeji Umar olayinka (pinnacle)

    1. Please do you best to reattempt. The syllable count is wrong. Check again for all

  3. I was not born with a silver spoon,
    But with determination I will soon.
    Even If all hope lost,
    I will strive by all cost,
    Just to make sure I shine bright like the moon.



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