LIMERICK Definition of Limerick Limerick is a comic vers e, containing five anapestic (unstressed/unstressed/stressed) lines, in which the first, seconhd, and fifth lines are longer, rhyme together, and follow three metrical feet. The third and fourth lines rhyme together, are shorter, and follow two metrical feet. However, sometimes it may vary, and amphibrachic (unstressed/stressed/unstressed) form can replace anapestic. In fact, it is a bawdy, humorous, or nonsensical verse written in the form of five anapests, with an aabba rhyme scheme . Since it has a special structure and format, it is called fixed or closed form of poetry. A limerick is a short, humorous poem that follows a determined rhyme scheme of AABBA. Aside from the fact that it follows a rhyme scheme of AABBA. It also follows a SYLLABLE COUNT. Some poets are not even aware that when writing, syllable counts matters. It does. *Syllable pattern for each line* Line 1: 7-10 syllables ...